Fucking Cabrera can lick me where i shit.
Seems like Mauer is money when nobody is on first base, yet no matter what the situation, you put a runner on first when he's up and you can bet the farm on a grounder to second. he's now leading Pedroia (1 for 2 tonight) .329 to .326 for the batting title. if anyone gets on in front of him, just send them to 2nd no matter what.
If i'm coaching third on Gomez' hit, i send that little midget and hope a collision at home knocks his ass out of the lineup. maybe call for a flying ninja kick to AJ's head on the way. win-win in my book.
I'm with ya on that one Russel, if he didn't work out, they were going to get Crookston's own A-Rod out of the clink and see what he's got left in the tank. I hear he once struck out 10 in a Cadet game on diamond 5. even worked with the legendary "Jehova" Jeff Heywood back in the day.
First pic from the dome, i'm thinkin sammy is in the cheap seats. and he paid more for one beer than i did for a 12 pack. griffey just got burned by mauer, what a queer. twins on the board 1-0.

First Pitch. Chris Wise flies out to Gomez. Good start. I wonder if he's related to the Chris Wise from crookston? probably not since he's black, but you never know. and i know his name isn't chris, but i don't know what it is so fuck off.
well they just showed that Dye hasn't homered in 95 at bats. i'm calling atleast one tonight from that fuckbag.
They just aired an interview with Ozzie Guillen. No idea what the fuck he said. I think i caught a "lawnmower" in there somewhere. who knows.
Ron Coomer is still fat.
Bert is wearing a Twins hard hat during the pregame, one has to wonder if he'll be spotted marching down Hennepin Avenue at some point chanting "We're gonna win Twins" I really hope so.
ok, sam just called and confirmed that he's at the game. i'll be getting updates from him throughout the night. off to the store.
Not like i need an excuse to sit and drink alone on a Thursday night, but now i got one. Twins vs Sox with the playoffs on the line. I got a 12 pack of Natty Light and 52" of beautifulness. I just got a picture on my phone from Sam, and from the looks of it he's at the game tonight. If that's the case i'll try to talk to him at some point and get some input from the Dome.
Anyways, giggity giggity it's go time.
Lineups Posted:
Chicago White Sox (86-71)
Jason Wise, LF
Mexican Cabrera, SS
Jermaine Dye, RF
Jim Thome, DH
Paul Konerko, 1B
Ken Griffey Jr., CF
Mexican Ramirez, 2B
AJ Pierzynski, C
Mexican Uribe, 3B
Minnesota Twins (86-72)
Denard Span, RF
Alexi Casilla, 2B
Joe Mauer, C
Justin Morneau, 1B
Jason Kubel, DH
Delmon Young, LF
Brian Buscher, 3B
Retarded Midget, SS
Carlos Gomez, CF

Thank god that little homo is playing short so i'll have someone to blame if the twins lose tonight. i'm heading to the gas station to get a fresh can of chew, hold the fort.
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