Nick Punto. How is this midget still on the team? I'm pretty sure there are better hitters on the Stearns County Community College JV squad. Here's his line: Avg .228, HR 0, RBI 4, Runs 7, SB 1. Straight garbage. In contrast, Brendan Harris has put up similar runs and rbis in half the games, plus he's hitting a team leading .350 and has managed to hit a ball over the fence. I'm pretty sure Nicky Sauce hasn't hit one out of the infield. You might fall back on Punto's defense. I would call you a cocksucking faggot. Harris is just fine in the field, and right now has a better fielding percentage than the little pizano.

Dear Carlos Gomez, the season started a month ago, feel free to get going anytime. If Michael Cuddyer (who I'll get to in a future installment) and Delmon Young (see below) weren't shitting the bed so bad, this guy would have had a one-way ticket to Rochester a long time ago. I have one word for him: bunt. You're faster than shit, put the ball on the ground and make like Speedy Gonzalez towards first base. So far the only time he's gotten to showcase his speed is sprinting back to the bench after taking three derby cuts at balls in the dirt.

I'm still waiting for Delmon Young to have this breakout season everyone has been promising. Maybe he'll get there one single at a time. If it weren't for all the other outfielders not named Span having shitty starts, Delmon would have had a seat next to Gomez on that train back to Rochester. At least Gomez can play defense. This guy looks lost in the field. I'm guessing he has trouble seeing the ball because his lips get in the way. They don't inteverview guys that really suck, so I've never heard him speak, but I'm guessing he sounds a lot like Mush Mouth. "I hitta da balla reala gooda, obukaby."
Joe Hockey love Punto. Back off or Joe will drive bus into you many times. VRROOOOOOOOM!