Silly Casilla went 2-4 tonight with an RBI and two runs scored. This pretty much guarantees he'll find some pine tomorrow night. And there's no way dickface benches his boyfriend two days in a row.

Also, caught the tail end of Whale Wars tonight. Fucking awesome. Here's a picture of the 2nd mate. Yeah, this Chris Doak looking mother fucker is second in command. Needless to say they haven't stopped shit in 5 years. If you aren't a fan like myself, the basic premise of the show is these douchebags are out at sea trying to stop the Japs from harvesting whales. The Japs apparently aren't breaking any laws, which is why no real authority figures are after them, and yet these clowns won't give up. At one point their so-called captain said, "if we have to sacrifice our lives for these whales, so be it." That probably shouldn't have quotes around it since I'm going off of memory from about a month ago, but it was something absurd like that. These are basically the rejects of PETA and greenpeace and whatever animal rights groups are out there (which are all fucking ratarded as far as I'm concerned), but these are the cream of the crop. So tonight the Japs catch a fat one right in front of these dumbasses and haul his bloody carcass onto the boat right in front of them. These guys are crying and vowing revenge and all sorts of shit that just made me giggle. Of course at this point I'm about a 6 pack deep, but regardless you can't script shit this stupid. Highlights from next week shows them ramming the Japs and springing a leak in their own boat. I'm pretty sure I would've read something about it if they all died at sea, but that won't stop me from hoping that's the outcome next week. Keep your fingers crossed, and make sure to check it out next Friday night on the animal planet channel. Yeah I know, Friday night and Crooks will be bumpin, but this is on at like 8 o'clock and the really classy broads don't show up till after 11, so you'll be fine.
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