Saturday, August 29, 2009

Vegas Baby!

All right Fuckers, here's the gig: July 10-13, 2010 Vegas for Doc's Bachelor Party.

Details are pretty loose, but I'm guessing a little gambling, a little limo ride some big 'ol boobies--and some that do not belong to Skippy too.

So, if you are interested in going and if you are up north, the Allegiant connection is pretty cheap, and would like to go, let me know. We'll figure out a hotel and go from there. Just email me @ and let me know as soon as you for sure want to be there.


  1. Birthday and bachelor party the same weekend. Holy balls I'll either be single, dead, or in jail by that Sunday. Get your tickets now.

  2. Giving yourself less than 24 hours? Wow, that's a ballsy call even for this shit show.

  3. Any idea where we might be staying? Besides face down in a gutter somewhere.

  4. The gutter is probably where we'll end up sleeping, but we might as well get a room so the strippers have a place to sleep off the roofies. I was looking and found a deal for about $75 a night at Bally's. I guess it's really not up to me, but for the amount of time I plan on spending not blacked out there's really no point spending a ton of money on the hotel room.

  5. Ya I was thinking the same thing, no point in wasting our money on a room that we will probably only see the inside of twice (check in and out). When there are are hookers, stripers and booze that are more than willing to take our money.
